Stories, reflections and conversations around a spirituality of the Great Lakes Basin
Enjoy a free online concert and conversation with musician Wade Fernandez / Wicīwen Apīs-Mahwaew (Walks With The Black Wolf) on Tuesday, August 27 at 7:30 EST. Wade is a deeply authentic, multi-award winning international touring artist and educator from the Menominee Nation. During the evening, he'll be sharing his music and also his passion to educate, serve the community, and honor Grandmother Earth as we consider how we can protect the waters of the Great Lakes.

Thanks to these groups for sponsoring and supporting this event!​
Colina Foundation; Grosse Ile, MI
The Center for Climate Justice and Faith; Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary; Berkeley, CA
Grosse Ile Interfaith Council; Grosse Ile, MI
Grosse Ile Presbyterian Church, Grosse Ile, MI
Lutherans Restoring Creation
Riverview Park Christian Church; St. Joseph, MI
St. Philip Lutheran Church; Trenton, MI
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church; Wyandotte, MI
​Southeast Michigan Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America​​​
Unity Lutheran Church; Southgate, MI