"An economist and an artist walk into a Zoom room..." That may sound like the beginning of an up-to-date joke, but it's actually a wonderful new installment in the Great Lakes Inspired series with economist John Austin and artist Linda J. Beeman next Wednesday.

Great Lakes Inspired is a collaborative effort of individuals and organizations working to protect this region that we all love. The series brings together scientists and artists to reflect on the waters of the Great Lakes Basin and how it has inspired them in the work that they are doing.
Austin is Executive Director of the Michigan Economic Center, and Beeman is an environmental artist who works with woodblock prints, so it should be a great and very stimulating evening. Their presentation takes place next Wednesday, October 12 at 7:00 PM EDT on Zoom. You can register for the evening here. And you can find all the past Great Lakes Inspired presentations here.
I'll be moderating the questions at the end of the session, so I hope you'll join John, Linda, myself, and lovers of the Great Lakes from across the Basin for a fantastic presentation next Wednesday!